Monday 22 March 2010

Good God, So Good!!!

Picture taken from

Ok so its not the same James Brown.......BUT I was thinking that about this product. On saturday before my appointment at the hairdressers I decided to try this product out. I thought when could be a better time to test this than when your hair is at its worst? So I gave James Brown Intensively Glossy Rescue Treatment out. I have to say I was impressed.

Below are two pictures of my hair (That I BLEACH by the way). The one on the left is before and the one on the right is after.

My hair was so soft when I used this my hairdresser was amazed at what good condition my hair was in when I turned up. What she didn't know is I had just used this product and my hair felt so soft, silky and looked really glossy. I have to say also on the before picture this was after I brushed my hair. It was a dry looking mess!
I would recommend this product and will be using again when my hair needs rescuing.
For more information on this product please go to

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